Die cutting machine
Die cutting machine is machines that cuts shapes out of paper, chipboard (like cardboard but thicker and more dense), fabric and other materials. Most people who die cut regularly have personal die cutting machines that are about the size of a small toaster oven. These machines can sit on top of your crafting table or work space or can be stored in a small area and brought out when needed.
Just like any other appliance or tool, there are a variety of brands of machines, and each differs slightly from the other manual die cutting machines. As the material and metal die pass through the machine’s rollers, it applies pressure and the die cuts the paper or other material into the shape of the die.
What is a die?
In die cutting, dies are metal-shaped objects with a raised, sharp area for cutting. They are similar in appearance and effect to cookie cutters – the shape of the die is the shape that will get cut out on your paper.